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M_o_R Training

M_o_R is recognised internationally as the best practice approach to managing risk. It is used globally by hundreds of large and small organisations throughout the private and public sectors to improve the way in which they manage threats and uncertainties across all aspects of their business.

The robust and flexible framework allows organisations to accurately assess risk to bring about better and more pro-active decision making and improved strategic planning through an in-depth understanding of risks and their likely impact. Using the framework, organisations are able to reduce the size of possible threats and/or increase the size of potential opportunities.

The systematic approach helps organisations to apply the required principles, approach and processes towards the tasks of identifying, estimating and evaluating risks, and then planning and implementing risk responses.

M_o_R Foundation Level is an introduction to the M_o_R framework. Delegates who successfully pass the Foundation exam can progress to studying to become a M_o_R Practitioner.

Practitioner Level follows on from the Foundation element looking at how the principles and techniques learnt previously can be are applied in the real world.

Click on the links below for detailed course descriptions: